Assalamualaikum wbt! ^_^
Ok time for inner pula. Inner shj kali ini ya.
Inner silang lycra. Tak kesah nak pakai silang ke,just double kan mcm biasa ke atau pakai 1 color pun boleh.
Inner lebih besar dan lebar drp biasa ya.Harga di bawah adalah harga terbaik yg kami berikan =)
Jangan lupa grab cepat2!
Harga : RM20.00
(inner shj)
Dark purple + pink / code: IS1
Out of stock
Gold + Maroon / code: IS2
Out of stock
Black + Grey / code: IS3
Out of stock
Dark Purple + Belacan / code: IS4
Out of stock
Pink + Belacan / code: IS5
Out of stock
Pink + Gold / code: IS6
Out of stock
Maroon + Plum / code: IS7
Out of stock
Plum + Dark Purple / code: IS8
Out of stock
Dark Purple + Maroon / code: IS9
Out of stock
Black + Red / code: IS10
Out of stock
Plum + Dark Choc / code: IS11
Out of stock
Maroon + Black / code: IS12
Out of stock
Dark Choc + Gold / code: IS13
Out of stock
Maroon + Dark Choc / code: IS14
Out of stock
Pink + Grey / code: IS15
Out of stock